Sunday, September 10, 2017

Augmented vs Virtual Reality

Augmented vs Virtual Reality

I think there is a recent misconception that being able to walk around your house via inside-out tracking is the next big thing.

In my mind, augmented and pure virtual experiences are different beasts. I think both are valid applications but a pure virtual experience is not going to have you walking around your house. You are going to need to be in a space that allows some freedom of movement but you are going to need to teleport around the virtual world for it to be immense.

I am tired of virtual experiences that confine me to a space. I feel like I am on a stage and it breaks the immersion. The next generation of virtual reality experiences need to allow you to go in all directions indefinitely and not have crappy/low-res graphics.

Having a world that unfolds infinitely in all directions allowing unlimited freedom of movement is the primary design decision for my upcoming game. That is what I want from virtual reality and so that is what I am going to deliver.

It isn't easy. No it is not... but... my latest experiments show it is possible if you build a reality creation frameworks specifically for the needs of VR.

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